
On 20th May 2002 A Young, blessed, and talented lady came from an anointed womb. YASIRUN YASIN SHABA, a.k.a “Yammi” was born in Tanga and raised in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The eldest out of three children (two from her mother and one from her father), her dream to become a musician started back in primary school. In high school, she built up her confidence by competing in advanced talent search competitions, where her biggest Inspiration was Indian music.
In 2022 after a performance video of hers went viral, a call from her inspiration and role model “Nandy” marked the start of her career in the music industry. In January 2023, Yammi releases her first EP titled “Three Hearts”.

“Three Hearts” is a 3-tracked EP, themed with the emotions of Love, Happiness, and Heartbreak. It depicts the three sides of what the heart can face in romantic relationships. The feel-good vibe in the tracks also demonstrate the powerful and sultry vocal range of the young songstress.